Dolphins are way cool to watch!
I was reading a recent article about a theory that dolphin intelligence is due to social interaction. This theory isn't too novel, it has been discussed for at least decades just based on my experience.
More importantly however, I was watching dolphins from the beach today. Arroyo Burrow (sic) beach affords a great view from the restaurant, The Brown Pelican, so that you can watch dolphins or whales while you enjoy dinner. Today however, I saw something that I had never seen in the wild before: dolphins were actually jumping out of the water in beautiful arcs just like they do at Sea World. Such a simple sight is still thrilling to me. Human intelligence is fascinating enough --it makes observing other animals so entertaining! At least I like to imagine that my pleasure in such observations is due to intelligence.
More importantly however, I was watching dolphins from the beach today. Arroyo Burrow (sic) beach affords a great view from the restaurant, The Brown Pelican, so that you can watch dolphins or whales while you enjoy dinner. Today however, I saw something that I had never seen in the wild before: dolphins were actually jumping out of the water in beautiful arcs just like they do at Sea World. Such a simple sight is still thrilling to me. Human intelligence is fascinating enough --it makes observing other animals so entertaining! At least I like to imagine that my pleasure in such observations is due to intelligence.